Wake Word Spotting (WWS) Baseline

For details, please refer to Github link

  • Introduction

    This is the baseline system for the Multimodal Information Based Speech Processing Challenge 2021 (MISP2021) challenge task 1. This task concerns the identification of predefined wake word(s) in utterances. ‘1’ indicates that the sample contains wake word, and ‘0’ indicates the opposite. For a more detailed description see MISP Challenge task description.

  • System description

    The audio system implements a neural network (NN) based approach, where filter bank features are first extracted for each sample, and a network consisting of CNN layers, LSTM layer and fully connected layers are trained to assign labels to the audio samples.

    For the video system, the same network structure is adopted as the audio network. Only middle field video is used to train the video system.

    For fusion, we consider late fusion, that is, the mean of the a posteriori probability of the network output of audio and video is used to calculate the final score.

  • Preparation

    • prepare data directory

      For training, development, and test sets, we prepare data directories by extracting the downloaded zip compressed file to the current folder. Here, we only selected the channel 1.

      unzip -d ./ *.zip
      *.zip indicates the file name that needs to be unzipped

    • speech augmentation

      Simulating reverberant and noisy data from near field speech, noise is widely adopted. We provide a baseline speech simulation tool to add reverberation and noise for speech augmentation. Considering that the negative samples are easier to obtain, we simulate all positive samples and partial negative samples (listed in file data_prepare/negative_simulation.scp). Here, we only use channel 1 for simulation.

      • add reverberation

        An open-source toolkit pyroomacoustic is used to add reverberation. The room impulsive response (RIR) is generated according to the actual room size and microphone position.

      • add noise

        We provide a simple tool to add noise with different signal-to-noise ratio. In our configuration, the reverberated speech is corrupted by the collected noise at seven signal-to-noise ratios (from -15dB to 15dB with a step of 5dB).

      • download the pretrained model

        dropbox url:https://www.dropbox.com/s/4pe3j2swf2cwvik/lipreading_LRW.pt?dl=0
        verification code: zxzs23

        Baidu clouddisk url:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1SeJyQ3aBsGz2O_YCU3X1LQ
        verification code:4chh

        The pretrained model needs to be placed on the spectific path


      • download coordinate information used to crop ROI

        • mid-field

          dropbox url:https://www.dropbox.com/s/g6pst3fr5a13m8y/misp2021_task1_roi_midfield.zip?dl=0
          verification code: zxzs23

          Baidu Netdisk url:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1XSWBDx08EQR3aP1j2TXhXg
          verification code:6pyk


        • far-field

          dropbox url:https://www.dropbox.com/s/0gn4djyzsp2yzr1/misp2021_task1_roi_farfield.zip?dl=0
          verification code: zxzs
          Baidu Netdisk url:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1v5BANcgt1lk8OikUCUxL5g
          verification code:zxzs
          MD5: b6d84a6aaa10ff5d72d7381c9758860b

          dropbox url:https://www.dropbox.com/s/db68266ck3rlk43/lip_npy_far.zip?dl=0
          verification code: zxzs
          Baidu Netdisk url:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1v5BANcgt1lk8OikUCUxL5g
          verification code:zxzs

      • Audio Wake Word Spotting

        For features extraction, we employ 40-dimensional filter bank (FBank) features normalized by global mean and variance as the input of the audio WWS system. The final output of the models compared with the preset threshold after sigmoid operation to calculate the false reject rate (FRR) and false alarm rate (FAR). Here comes the results.

      • Video Wake Word Spotting

        To get visual embeddings, we firstly crop mouth ROIs from video streams, then use the lipreading TCN to extract 512-dimensional features. The extracted features are input into the same network structure as the audio network.


      After adjusting different thresholds, the system performances are as follows:

      Modality Scenario FRR FAR Score
      Audio Middle 0.07 0.08 0.15
      Audio Far 0.18 0.09 0.27
      Video Middle 0.12 0.21 0.33
      Audio-visual Middle 0.07 0.06 0.13
      Audio-visual Far 0.12 0.14 0.26

      Setting Paths

      • data prepare

      # Here, the given tool can simulate the positive samples directly. If you need to simulate the negative samples, you need to modify the default configuration.
      --- data_prepare/run.sh ---
      # Defining corpus directory
      # Defining path to python interpreter

      • kws_net_only_audio

      --- kws_net_only_audio/run.sh ---
      # Defining corpus directory
      # Defining path to python interpreter

      • kws_net_only_video

      --- kws_net_only_video/run.sh ---
      # Defining corpus directory
      # Defining path to python interpreter

      Running the baseline audio system

      • Simulation (optional)

      cd data_prepare
      sh run.sh

      • Run Training

      cd ../kws_net_only_audio
      sh run.sh

      • Run Video Training

      cd ../kws_net_only_audio
      sh run.sh

      • Run Fusion

      cd ../kws_net_fusion
      python fusion.py
